Sunday, April 13, 2008

Parents Weekend!

This weekend was A&M's 90th Parents Weekend. I think it's an awesome tradition we have here because it gives the students and university the chance to thank all the wonderful Aggie parents for all that they're done (esp. paying for our tutition... haha). There were several activities and events for parents to do with their children, but my mom and I kind of did our own thing. She came in on Saturday morning and we went to my co-chair's house (for fish camp) to have hotdogs and hamburgers and visit with all the other families. The weather was so nice and made the a lot more enjoyable. Of course, after we ate we went shopping!! haha. She bought me some things from the mall and the tent sale, as well as a thing or two for her. I bought myself a thing or two as well because I felt bad that she paid for a lot of things. That night we went to the baseball game, which just so happened to be my first one ever as well as hers. It was really fun, but long and cold too. We left the game early to go tryout Texas Roadhouse, which was AMAZING!!! And then this morning we went to church together and of course made sure we stopped by Canes and Starbucks before she left. Some college kids probably aren't too fond of hanging out with their parents, but I enjoyed it a lot and wished my dad and my sister could have come too. I loved being able to kind of show my mom the life I lived here, including dorm life; yes, she stayed with me and my roommate in our tiny dorm. This weekend not only showed me how much I appreciate my mom (and dad even though he wasn't here), but also how much I enjoy spending time with her. I know this doesn't have really anything to do with children's literature, but since I really didn't have the proper amount of time to do my second paper for this class cause of Parents Weekend, I thought I would share my weekend and let everyone know how much I love and appreciate my parents. Every University should have a Parents Weekend if they don't have one already; it would be wrong if they didn't.

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